
I’m a Bear - Boettcher Scholar Hopes to Empower Health Care Professionals


迪伦罗斯曼, 2023年Boettcher学者


Last March, first-year 迪伦罗斯曼 headed to his family's mailbox knowing he might 寻找改变人生的博天堂官方网站. 的 anticipation was boiling over. 罗斯曼花了几个月的时间 working on an application for a college scholarship filling out paperwork, writing essays and doing in-person interviews all leading up to this moment. 它也没有 help that the mailbox key went missing for a couple of days delaying the reveal. 

“I pulled out the folder in the mail, and I’m looking at it and my parents are behind me, and I say, ‘Oh my gosh, we got it!’”罗斯曼说. “我们都跳了起来 下来,我妈妈哭了. She said, ‘You did it, you are going to be able to go to 大学免费!’ ” 

Roseman is one of only 50 Colorado students selected as a 2023年Boettcher学者. 的 highly competitive and prestigious scholarship program provides recipients with an annual fixed amount of $20,000 for four years. After that, universities use institutional, merit and/or need-based aid (or a combination) to support up to the total cost of attendance for each scholar minus travel and other expenses. 

“It’s a dream come true especially because we’re a low-income family,” Roseman said. 

的 Boettcher Foundation selects recipients based on four criteria: superior scholastic ability and intellectual curiosity, evidence of potential leadership, service to the community and school and outstanding character. 

Roseman checks off all those requirements. In high school at Greeley’s Early College Academy, he took advanced classes that qualified him to obtain his high school diploma and an associate degree at the same time. Roseman was also student body president, he raised $2,500 for Children’s Hospital as an Eagle Scout and earned his black belt 在武术中. 

“I was doing so many different things. I was really busy,” Roseman said. “你想的 at such an academic-driven school that I wouldn’t be having any fun or be slammed with homework, but my high school experience was fantastic…. 我非常感激.” 

Roseman credits two of his passions for instilling the drive needed to tackle his 成功. One is his years-long involvement in the Boy Scouts and the other is karate. 

 Both of those balanced each other out perfectly,” Roseman said. 童子军这样教导 me practical skills that I can apply everywhere, and karate taught me self-motivation 和纪律. I call one my warrior and the other my scholar.” 

Navigating through Boy Scouts, karate, academic classes and many clubs, Roseman found his passion and the career path he wants to pursue. It’s what led him to choose the UNC from among a dozen other Colorado universities he could have applied his Boettcher 奖学金,. 

This fall, Roseman is double majoring in Health Sciences with an emphasis in Health Care Administration and Human Services in the College of Natural and Health Sciences. 的 Human Services program is designed to teach students an interdisciplinary knowledge base and approach to meeting human needs. 的 curriculum focuses on prevention as well as remediation of problems and maintaining a commitment to improving the overall quality of life of service populations. 

“I wanted to do a bit of business, but I wanted to do health,” Roseman said. “UNC was the only school that had an emphasis in health care administration and fit both 我的需要.” 

While in high school, Roseman shadowed a staff member who worked within the Sunrise Community Health system, a nonprofit health care provider in Weld County that aims to provide affordable access  
to quality health care for all. He became enthralled with the environment. 

“I love the atmosphere of being around people who all want to help others. 这是非常 人性化,”罗斯曼说. 

Roseman will be following in the footsteps of his grandparents and dad who all attended UNC, though his experience will be a little different. Unlike his dad who told Roseman he recently paid off his student loans a few years ago, Roseman will be able to attend classes knowing finances won’t be a problem. 

“Last year my mom sat me down and gave me the ‘We-have-no-money-for-you-to-go-to-college' 说话,”罗斯曼说. “And she told me how sad she was to say that as a parent and 她奉献了她的全部  
生活养育我. I told her not to worry that I will get scholarships, and then I actually did, and my life was changed.” 

That life-changing moment began with an application, a walk to his mailbox and has now turned Roseman into a Bear.