
The Best of Times, The Worst of Times: How 教职员工 Support Students Through 他们所有人

A group of students participating in a GIS field experience stand on, around and sit on a log.


As the school year kicks off, faculty and staff are gearing up to support our University 北科罗拉多大学(UNC)的学生. 教职员工每天都为学生提供支持 through their roles 在UNC, but some choose to go above and beyond by donating their 时间、专业知识和资金. 一种流行的捐赠方式是通过工资扣除, 这使得支持校园内各个有需要的领域变得容易. 在博天堂官方,那里 are seemingly endless causes to support depending on a donor’s passions and aspirations. And so we take a deep dive into just a few of the donor-funded causes th在UNC 教职员工支持. 欢迎大家支持 这些重要的奖学金和服务(许多校友雇主提供匹配 员工捐款!). 


The Asian Pacific American Student Services (APASS) center helps Asian and Pacific Islander students connect with their 社区 and celebrate and honor their cultural 遗产. 

The center promotes emotional, cultural and academic success for students in a variety of ways, including the annual Lei Giving campaign, which provides graduating students 在毕业典礼上带着花环从夏威夷来的.  

“在毕业典礼上收到一枚花环让走这条线变得格外特别. 感觉就像 I had a piece of home with me as I walked across the stage to receive my diploma. In all the craziness of graduation season, people took the time to make a handful of students from a small island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean feel special. I 我很感激能收到来自博天堂官方社区的这种问候.” 

          - Kaori Nishioka ’23, an Elementary Education graduate and native Hawaiian 我来自夏威夷的希洛. 

The Lei Giving campaign is a way to honor the cultural traditions of Hawai’i and the Pacific Islands here on campus and celebrate the accomplishments of UNC students—something 他们肯定不会忘记的. 给2023-24年的雷军运动 


The 表演及视觉艺术旅游基金 (PVA Travel Fund) has empowered more than 仅今年就有100名学生将他们的手艺提升到一个新的水平. 博天堂官方唱诗班学生 were able to travel to 新 York City in May 2023 to perform at Carnegie Hall without financial worries thanks to the donors who contributed to the PVA Travel Fund. 

“When we found out the trip’s costs would be covered by the PVA travel fund, a huge 我肩上的重担减轻了. 我可以专注于我们将要表演的音乐 at Carnegie, instead of worrying about if I would have enough money to go in the first 的地方. The incredible experience I had in 新 York reignited my passion for music.” 

          - 艾玛·拉尔森,2025届音乐教育专业的学生 

Beyond the classroom opportunities like this trip to Carnegie Hall wouldn’t be possible 没有捐助者的支持. 

Real-world opportunities not only reinvigorate students and remind them what they’re working so hard for but also allow them to gain valuable experiences that will 给 他们在毕业后就业时有优势. 这也是北卡大学 Performing and Visual 艺术 programs so highly sought-after is its dedication to giving 学生获得在各自领域取得成功所必需的经验.  捐赠给PVA旅游基金 


For students pursuing a degree in Geography, GIS and 可持续性, field experiences 是为他们的职业生涯做准备的关键吗. 仅在过去的一年里,地理 students have gone to the Mississippi River to see restoration efforts first-hand while learning from the individuals spearheading them, as well as attended regional conferences to learn about professions, employers and projects in their field. 

Participating in these types of experiences can transform the way students look at the field they’re entering and inspire them to go down a path they might not have 被认为是. 对于瑞安来说,他参加了GIS在落基山脉地区举行的会议 在丹佛,这种体验是非常积极的. 

“We were able to meet a variety of different GIS outfits and see what they were working on, apply to jobs, and see some of the new technologies that were being implemented 在野外. 这次会议最棒的部分就是看到了所有不同的东西 演讲者,以及他们所从事的各种项目.” 

          ——23岁的地理专业GIS专业毕业生Ryan Peiffer 

Thanks to donor support for “beyond the classroom” experiences, UNC students are discovering new passions and broadening their horizons, and some might even land jobs from the 他们之间的联系. 捐给地理项目 


 The 学生紧急支援基金 is fundamental to supporting UNC students across 部门、年级和个人情况. 在2022-2023学年, 该基金向有需要的学生颁发了52项奖学金,总额为37,525美元. 这些奖项是 made possible entirely through donations from UNC employees, parents, and alumni. 

奖 from the fund are applied toward emergency rent payments, car repairs and transportation, travel to see family after an emergency, and unexpected medical bills and services. Being awarded these funds can make the difference in whether a student stays enrolled 在UNC.  

"I was two months away from graduation, and I was living with a family member off-campus 谁是感染COVID的高危人群. 我需要住在这个地区继续上课, stay employed and access mental health care, but I could not continue risking my family 成员的健康. 我用收到的钱找到了安全的住所 紧急支助基金. 如果没有你,我不可能顺利毕业 这种援助. 它向我强调了博天堂官方社区有多关心我." 

Marty Somero, director for the Office of 金融援助, is among the many who are 感谢这一资源以及为其提供资金的令人难以置信的捐助者. 

“我们的捐助者非常好! 他们一次又一次地渡过难关 熊,”Somero说. “这些资金对帮助学生来说是一种真正的祝福 overcome life's roadblocks and being able to stay the course to graduation.” 向紧急支助基金捐款 

When you choose to 给 to UNC scholarships or funds, your 影响 is felt directly 由最需要帮助的学生提供. 你的贡献是否能让学生留下来 enrolled during times of turmoil, travel to practice their craft or gain insight and experience relevant to their career, it empowers students and reassures them that their Bear network is there to support them through their best and worst moments. 

If you feel inspired to 给 to any of the above causes, or you have another cause 这与您的慈善愿景一致,请访问 我们的捐赠页面. And if you are a UNC employee and would like to increase or add a payroll deduction 礼品,请访问我们 博天堂官方的员工.